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Schedule PPVs using message templates

· 3 min read

Mass Message Scheduling made easy! With the Mass Message Scheduler, you can choose a list configuration (include and exclude list(s)) and schedule multiple messages using your message templates / scripts.

Some use cases:

  • If you have a routine of sending the same series of content to new subscribers, then you can use BuddyX List Management feature to create lists of fans who subscribed in the last 24 hours, and then schedule messages for the coming days.
  • If you have a promo account, you can set up a few variations of promo texts as Message Templates and when you want to send a message, just change a few words and you are done! Also you don't need to select lists again and again.
  • Else, just save your PPV bundles which you schedule often as message templates, so you can quickly schedule them without having to type and find media in the vault.

These are just a few ideas. If you have more ideas to share with everyone, please write to us and we'll include them in the blog <3

How to use this feature?

  1. To access the feature, click on the 3 dots on the right corner and click on the first option: Messaging.

  2. You will land on the screen where you see Mass Message Scheduler option (see screenshot):

  3. When you click on the button, a modal will open where you can set up the list configuration. Select the list of fans you want to send the message to and exclude those who should not get the message.

  4. Once you have selected the lists, you can set up the message by either typing it out or choosing one from your message templates.

  5. After setting up the message, choose the date & time you want to schedule it for and click "Schedule Message" button.

  6. When you click on it, the message will be successfully scheduled and you'll be able to see the details on the top of the modal. After that you can schedule the next message by clicking on the blue button.