Export your onlyfans monthly statements using the export function on BuddyX!
Chat timers
Using the Chat timers function, you can set a timer for each fan chat that you wish to be notified / reminded of.
Recent Chat List
With Recent Chat list feature you can make a list of fans you are currently chatting with or had a conversation recently. Then you can exclude this list from new mass messages, keeping your current chats personal and free of interruptions from new messages (that are out of context)
Auto Renew Promotions
Promotions (for paid pages) play an important role in helping you gain new subscribers. Seeing "only 3 spots left out of 15 for a 35% OFF" can help you create a sense of urgency and FOMO, leading you to gain a new fan.
Vault Marking
Vault Marking will make it easier for you to identify which content has already been sent to a fan and whether or not they bought it.
Send Mass Priority Messages with fan names
As the next PRO feature, we've added the ability to send bulk messages as Priority, which means they won't appear in the All messages tabs of your users' inboxes, but rather in the Priority tab (as in the screenshot). Moreover, you can add the fan's name to them using our template markers!
How to add names to Priority Message
What if you could send a mass message to your fans but it appears like you have personally hand-typed that message for them? It goes to their piority tab and even has their name in it? Sounds too good to be true?
Create List - Based on Subscription Price Paid
With this list management feature you can create upto 5 lists based on the subscription price fan's have subbed with . You could use it to separate fans who joined using a free trials, a promotion or paid full price. You can use these lists to give free / discounted content for fans that paid a subscription price.
Create List - Based on Spending
With this list management feature you can create upto 5 lists based on fan's spending. You could use it to separate your high, medium and low spenders.
Create List - Online Fans
With this list management feature you can now create a list of fans that are online right now.