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· One min read

As requested by many of you, we are finally bringing Emoji Bar to OF chats. 🥳

When you are in a fan chat or making a mass message, you will now see this customisable emoji bar above the text input!

· 4 min read

With Labelling fans in chat view feature you can identify which fans you want to prioritise or add their preferences. You can use BuddyX's standard labels or you can make your custom ones. All fans will be labelled with information that will make it easier for you to determine which fan you need to focus your energy on before even opening the chat!

· 3 min read

Follow these steps to get started with BuddyX Pro!

Step 1: Buy a Subscription Plan

Head to Pricing page and buy the license that best suits you. You need 1 license per creator account, you can have as many team members as you like on a license!

Step 2: Download the BuddyX Extension on your browser

Click on this link -> BuddyX Extension to add the extension on your chrome. Once you have downloaded it, go to the onlyfans page of the creator you want to use BuddyX on.

After you have successfully subscribed to a Pricing Tier, you will receive a license key on the email you used in Step 1. Even when you buy the subscription for multiple creators, you will get one master key to which you can link all the accounts.

Link from the Extension: Enter the Key and Email on the extension and you will see a modal like this:

It displays the account you are currently logged in with, the number of available slots for your license key and prompts you to link this account with your license. Click on Connect Creator to start using pro features on the creator page you are on.

Link from Dashboard: You can also log into the Dashboard

  • Each chatter/user needs to input the key once on their device. We do not auto-detect PRO accounts based on log-in info, for privacy reasons.
  • We recommend that you link all creator accounts to the license for which you wish to use PRO features; otherwise, your chatters will be prompted to link, and they may not know whether or not to do so.

You can:

  • Click on Yes and the account will be linked.
  • If you are unsure whether to use the license for this account or not - Click on No, use free version. You can always go to Manage Subscriptions and link the account by clicking on the Connect account button. This option is only available if you still have free slots for your license.

If you are not a PRO user, you could see these 2 types of messages when trying to use PRO features.

  1. You decided to NOT LINK the creator account but have free available slots for your license key: All PRO features will just have the message that you chose not to link this account. Hence you cannot use PRO features.

  1. Max Limit to connect accounts reached: You don't have any available slots free for your license key as you have used all of them to link accounts: All PRO features will have the message that max limit of accounts for your license have reached. If you wish to use it for more accounts, please reach out to us on Telegram or email us at

If you have any other issues, please reach out to us and we'll be happy to help you!

· One min read

A lot of usage of browser extensions come from incognito windows but it does not work out of the box on Chrome (for privacy reasons). So here is a detailed explanation of how you can use BuddyX in an incognito window!